I know my posts have been somewhat vague and sparatic (and that is due to this whole traveling thing) but I have been giving some thought to what I want to do in regards to my final project. As stated before, I want to use the background image of the two planets with the flow of electricity between them, along with Santa and Darth Vader. My ultimate goal is to have Santa and Vader in an epic battle of good vs evil. Santa will be at the bottom of the screen and Vader at the top. I picked these specific images of Vader and Santa because both of them have their hands extended; the reason being, I want Santa to look as if he's shooting the blue beam from his palm and Vader to be shooting the red beam from his palm. In addition to those three photos, I was thinking about putting in another. This would probably some sort of electrical shock/explosion that would be placed at the point that the two beams met. The reason I havent put a picture in this blog is because I am writing from my iPad, and I cannot upload pictures. (bummer, I know) so I apologize for the inconvenience. I will more than likey use the 'threeColors' filter and then blend the red and the green to create a purple explosion (obviously what happens when blue and red collide). On a further note, I will probably try to make the background pop a little more by adding some red and green to it. I want to make it clear that Santa is supposed to represent good and Vader is supposed to be evil. To accomplish this, I want to do some sort of color effect with Santa and Vader, but I'm not quite sure yet...I'll figure that out once I tinker with it a little. A downside to this is that I will more than likely have to take Vader and Santa into photoshop to remove the background of the images. I don't know if this can be done with the filters learned on Thursday. I will ask professor Oldham on Monday. Also, there is a possibility that I will place more good characters (i.e. Chuck Norris, Buzz light year, and Superman) behind Santa, and more evil characters (i.e. Zurg, Magneto, and Syndrome) behind Vader to better show that this is a battle of good and evil.
OK, this is a plan. It's lacking some detail -- I'm a little puzzled how the threecolor fits in -- but it might. COuld result in a very comic book feel -- is threecolor beyond the explosion. See moodle for private note